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Florence61 Report 20 Apr 2021 11:54

Ann think our posts crossed over. You poor thing.Hope you recover quickly but annoying you cant carry on your gardening,Im sure you will get you strength back ,just have to be patient and rest awhile.
Take care

Florence in the hebrides


LaGooner Report 22 Apr 2021 08:51

Good Morning is a lovely day here but still chilly. I am so pleased for you Florence,the new home must be a load off of your mind <3. I hope all goes well with your scans.


AnninGlos Report 22 Apr 2021 09:23

Morning LG and everyone. Sunny and 5 degrees here don't cast an clouts yet.


JustGinnie Report 24 Apr 2021 08:42

Good morning all, a bright Saturday here, shopping has arrived and been put away and I have a load of washing to go out and another to go in the washer.

Things to do in the garden nothing major just tidying up and getting pots ready for a few new plants.

The blossom on our fruit trees is lovely so I am hoping for a good crop this year. They are the dwarf type trees but we had decent crops last year.

Enjoy your weekend.


Tawny Report 25 Apr 2021 10:38

Morning All :-)

Yesterday I was at a socially distanced birthday party for my niece who turns three tomorrow. The only other child guests were her two cousins who are 4 (5 in June) and 21 months. There was 8 adults including the birthday girls parents. Yesterday it was 16 degrees here so warm enough to sit in the garden and fully socially distance.

Cooler today with a high of 12 degrees so Mr Owl and I are thinking of taking our (newly fixed though now Cat S written off thanks to an HGV) RX8 for a drive. The RX8 needs run once a fortnight to stop it seizing up.


AnninGlos Report 25 Apr 2021 11:25

Good morning all. enjoy your drive Tawny

10 degrees here but with a cold wind.

Grandson is due to make an appearance later on, it will be good to see him.


Florence61 Report 25 Apr 2021 19:49

Hello peeps
Well a busy week here. Went over to new house to meet carpet man on Wednesday so he could measure up.Was meeting him at 10.30 which was fine. My landlady offered to drive me(about 40 mins drive from here) as my car is still in the garage.
Well we were 2 mins away from the house when suddenly....i realised i had left the new door keys on my kitchen table!!!! major senior moment!

The carpet man turned up and I explained what I had done but bless him.He was prepared to sit and wait whilst we drove back and forth to get the keys. We were gone 1 1/2 hours and he never complained..lovely man that he is.

Anyway finally measured up, followed him to town to shop and now having chosen carpet, lino and 4 blinds its all being fitted on the 6th may.
he very kindly gave me a discount of 10 % too which was kind.

Ive sorted out the electricity too which just leaves the phone which i shall deal with tomorrow.

We have sold a few things too and so far have about £250.00 which will go towards new things we need. Anything left will pay for a bottle of bubbly and a chinese when we move in.

I now have a long list of companies and people etc to email, whattsapp and a few letters for the older folk who dont have a computer of smartphone.

So now after a busy day going through boxes of papers, i am about to chill and watch Call The Midwife at 8pm. One of my fav programmes.

Its been a beauty of a day here about 16 degrees and lots of flies about too but no wind so a good day all round.

Hope everyone else enjoying their weekend.
Take care

Florence in the hebrides


**Ann** Report 26 Apr 2021 13:04

Another lovely day here...not a cloud in the sky :-D :-D

Enjoy whatever you get up to everyone <3 <3 <3


JustGinnie Report 26 Apr 2021 14:52

Been out today with sister to get her 2nd Jab, and they gave me mine as well. I wasn't due to get mine until a weeks time but as it was at the same place they asked if I wanted it today and of course I said yes please. So all done and dusted now for us.
Next one will be if they do yearly boosters.

It was very busy on the bus coming back and a few people without a mask so I am glad I don't have to the journey again.

Hope everyone is having a good day.


AnninGlos Report 26 Apr 2021 20:48

Don’t your drivers query if they are not wearing a mask or did they have lanyards on to show they are exempt.


JustGinnie Report 26 Apr 2021 21:15

AnnG, Our bus drivers don't say anything if people have no masks on. Most of them don't even look at people getting on . Not a job I would want to do on the route that goes to the city some very dodgy areas sadly.


Linda Report 27 Apr 2021 23:24

Good evening everyone at last we have had some rain this evening didn't rain for long but while it did it was quite heavy can't remember the last time it rained so was pleased to see it


Florence61 Report 28 Apr 2021 22:30

Good evening peeps
Dull day here today with just a spattering of a shower. We actually havent had much rain and my new garden which is turf needs the rain to help it root.

Hoping my car is coming home tomorrow. i rang garage and they said new alternator was being fitted and should be ready tom afternoon. Then i can trip to new house with some kitchen things and hoover the floor before carpets are fitted next week.

Sold a few more things so funds are improving nicely!

Apart from that. its very quiet here, town is empty of people although this weekend is the may weekend and schools are off from tom until Tues so im sure places will be busier.

Hope everyone ok and keeping well.

Florence in the Hebrides


Allan Report 28 Apr 2021 23:01

Just looking at some of the temperatures given on here and Tawny saying that 16 degrees is warm enough to sit in the garden :-S

If we have 16 we have the fire lit and some soup on the go :-D

We have decided to declutter, starting with our garage which currently looks like a junk shop, so we now have a skip bin on the drive.

Had to phone the Council about the big bin and I sked if it was OK for us to have a skip in the front of our house; the guy replied " You can do somersaults for all I care". :-D :-D

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 28 Apr 2021 23:25

I hope you get your car back soon, so that you can move some of the things to your new home.

Good luck with the skip.
Maybe wait to perform the somersaults when Lilo Lil puts you through your paces......

Our place needs a declutter. Space is limited in the garage, so it is nearly full of something, - but what?
I should investigate.

Dull but not cold here today, but it stayed dry in the daylight hours, so a walk to see the swans nesting near here was quite pleasant. More cygnets have hatched today in addition to the 2 seen yesterday, so it will be interesting to watch their progress.


Florence61 Report 28 Apr 2021 23:54

Aw Gwyn, how lovely baby swans.Must be a wonderful sight
When my daughter went to a charity shop a few days ago, they almost turned her away as they have too much in donations and not enough space in the shop. When she said she had travelled 1/2 hour on a bus and walked 15 mins to the shop, they decided to accept the 2 bags she took.

What is lurking in your garage, let us know when you discover things you had put there years ago because your loft was full and the garage was the next best place maybe? you never know you may find something worth a few bob like they have on the antiques road show. Now that would be a good find.

Better scoot off to bed as i have a check up with GP tomorrow lunchtime so better set my

Good night

Florence in the hebrides


JustGinnie Report 29 Apr 2021 11:24

Morning all, started off very bright and sunny here but grey clouds overhead now. We had a little rain Tues. evening but need some more for the garden, never satisfied am I, :-D :-D

Have to sort the spare room as I have used it for craft, mainly card making and I need to see what I have in there as I haven't done any since the 1st lockdown. Just lost interest and now I have lots of stuff that I don't want.

OH needs to sort his shed but needs a skip for that . Of course everything in there might 'come in' one day. :-D ;-)

Enjoy your day everyone.


Florence61 Report 29 Apr 2021 17:25

Ooh Allan, just read through your last thread. lol Somersaults, would love to see that! In my younger days i could stand on my hands and do a crab against the wall. Not sure if I could do that now..hehe

Most of the things that were upstairs have now been brought down stairs and my lounge looks like a warehouse/bric a brac shop. Oh my so glad we cant have any visitors.

Hope everyone else is now decluttering and lets see if any of you can find any thing interesting or even valuable hiding under the cobwebs. Please share what you find.

I resorted the xmas decoration box and found 6 barbie doll mini crackers at the bottom. they must have been my daughters when she was about 4 lol I asked her if she wanted to keep them and all i got was a look that said," really?" so they are now in the bin along with some old threadbare tinsel. Goodness knows why i had kept that!

Well cooked chicken and salad for tea with a slice of pizza mmn.

Have a nice evening everyone.

Florence in the hebrides


Allan Report 29 Apr 2021 22:36

I certainly don't feel like doing somersaults now :-(

We had discussed what was to be thrown out and what we were going to keep, so I suggested that the old fridge, which was no longer used other than for storing things in, and an old dryer should go first.

The dryer was fairly easy to move, but the fridge was large and heavy and by the time I had 'walked' it down to the skip, I was feeling pretty tired, particularly as we had to move a fair amount of stuff to reach them.

So we now have a carport full of stuff which is to go in the skip to keep the fridge and dryer company.

We had heaps of paint left over from various jobs over the years and those tins we put in the fridge to save room in the skip.

Hopefully today will see the end of it and we can then clean up the garage, re-arrange what's left and finally use it for its original purpose :-D


AnninGlos Report 30 Apr 2021 08:01

We are still clearing the garage. Tools have been a nightmare. One whole set kept for use here. Several tools sent to Grandson 2, a basic set sent to Granddaughter. A whole large toolbox of various sized spanners waiting to be sorted. And a large group of saws are still hanging on the wall. You may have realised that my beloved OH was not the tidiest person with his tools, although he mostly seemed to know where they all were. All the golf equipment has found a new home and we are left with all sorts of things that first we have to find out what they are. I should add a car load has already gone to the local tip.