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PatinCyprus Report 10 Mar 2020 17:01

Health Minister in Cyprus has issued new instructions.

People travelling to Cyprus from UK are to go into obligatory self imposed isolation for 14 days.

Easter holiday here won't be much fun. :-S


From health minister - Due to economic reason it has been decided UK personnel arriving on Cyprus will not have to self isolate :-0


**Ann** Report 10 Mar 2020 17:48

I do wish you would shut up Rolio, in the nicest possible way of course :-0 :-0 :-0


Caroline Report 10 Mar 2020 17:48

You said dead bodies can't give you the virus Maggie pointed out in theory they can, albeit not likely.

I think it's crazy you have things like the racing meets going on right now when you do have so many cases, and people like Zara are there, after recently being in Italy....ticking time bomb if you're not careful.


maggiewinchester Report 10 Mar 2020 17:51

RTR, you say "Nowhere does the citation posted by MW require the prompt cremation of anybody including deaths precipitated by covid-19"
Well, you 'claim' the dead bodies of those with COVID - 19 aren't contageous!
My post proves they are more than likely contageous.

As for the time between your mother dying and her cremation - is it relevant?
Did she die of COVID-19, or SARS?

This, however, is relevant - the situation in China, concerning dead bodies:
"Fifty mobile incinerators are being deployed in Coronavirus hit city Wuhan, to complement the crematoriums which have been working day and night for the past few weeks disposing of bodies"

Would that be because they want to leave the bodies lying around?

As for stereotypes, the Chinese aren't known for their hugging and kissing - yet it spread!

What's your calculation for 30 March?
I tend to think clever people who insist on 'predictions' predict before the event.
Any fool can say, after the event - 'Well that's what I said'.


Caroline Report 10 Mar 2020 18:12

To be fair he did do a very rough calculation....error/gap of what was it 373 was right in there.


maggiewinchester Report 10 Mar 2020 18:22

Yes, a very rough calculation, especially as there are probably people with it, who aren't aware they have it.
Actually, some (in the know) say you can catch COVID-19 if someone with it coughs/sneezes with mouth uncovered, within 6ft of you.


SylviaInCanada Report 10 Mar 2020 19:33

maggie ............

that is probably true, as I read somewhere a few days ago that the virus is hanging in the air for longer than the flu or SARS viruses did/do


Caroline Report 10 Mar 2020 20:32

And there's the main problem if someone coughs in the air and you walk through that space without knowing they coughed there.....cover your cough and sneeze with your arm people.


maggiewinchester Report 10 Mar 2020 23:03

Oh dear, it appears Nadine Dorries (the health minster - how ironic) has been diagnosed with coronavirus:

I expect she'll receive slightly more than statutory sick pay (£94 a week - which you also have to pay your rent out of).


SylviaInCanada Report 11 Mar 2020 02:35

Apparently only just over 4,380 people across the US have been tested for Covid-19. and insurance companies only today announced that they would cover at least some of the cost for the testing.

If you don' have insurance, or your company doesn't have a health plan ........... then I think you have to pay the whole cost yourself


Caroline Report 11 Mar 2020 11:12

Then there'll be a lot of unknown cases in America as many can't afford the cost of testing let alone the actual health care.


JoyLouise Report 11 Mar 2020 12:05

In Wilko this morning, the man in front of me asks whether there was any hand sanitiser - not if there's none on the shelf was the response.

When it came to my turn the check-out person said, 'One woman came in first thing and bought the whole box of 20.'

My immediate reaction was 'selfish' until I began to wonder whether someone may well have a compromised immune system or it could have been a teacher planning for a school trip as they are still ongoing - I know because my grandson has just got back from one.


maggiewinchester Report 11 Mar 2020 13:12

Not only has a case been confirmed in my eldest grand daughter's college, an positive case has now been confirmed at her brother's secondary school :-(


supercrutch Report 11 Mar 2020 13:32

Because of my mobility problems we have shedloads of 'stuff' delivered.

This morning a paint delivery arrived.

Having tried to get a definitive answer as to how long any hard surfaced item may be contaminated with live virus the best guess is 24 hours.

That means to be overly cautious we wipe all products delivered to us. We also take in parcels for neighbours as they work, more parcels to deal with.

I am back at the GP surgery next week so it's hand sanitizer and wipes to be deployed.....I would rather be considered OTT than increase my risks...lolol

Overseas rellies are paying for pneumonia vaccines even though not on the recommended action list.

I do have a good all round medical knowledge both from personal experience and general reading but, for once, feel really uneducated re this current crisis.

Not a nice feeling



Caroline Report 11 Mar 2020 16:10

You have to wonder how long it can live on a can of food you buy at the shop or the fresh fruit you buy what point are we being proactive and when are we over reacting? As you say better safe than sorry use sensible precautions.


AnninGlos Report 11 Mar 2020 16:45

I had to go to the surgery this afternoon so now Stitches are out from the minor op I had 2 weeks ago. , took longer than I expected I had a student nurse under supervision do it. She was lovely, very gentle and careful but she had to give up on the last one and hand it over to Claire who is actually not a nurse but a Health something or other, she has been at the practice for years. She got the last one out eventually, it had got embedded so my arm is a bit sore now. That will wear off though soon. all the time I am in the practice though I am on edge but I think Claire washed her hands at least five times while I was there

I asked aif they knew if the pneumonia vaccine would be any good against the virus. Their opinion was that if you had had it and developed pneumonia then the illness would not be as bad as if you had not had it. Not sure they really knew though.

Doctors was quite full but there was hand gel as you went in and instead of booking in on line we had to go to reception where she asked if we had coughs or colds or fever. Before I went in we were on our own in the nurses waiting room which is not very big. When I came out OH was there with a lady and two toddlers one of whom did have a cough. He said even worse was a woman was in there for a while who coughed into her hand. He was not impressed. Neither was I. Itold him he should have gone and waited outside the small room. :-(


SylviaInCanada Report 11 Mar 2020 19:03

well, my daughter and her family are now on board the plane to Florida, staying with son-i-l's parents, in hotels, DisneyWorld and the space centre.

Just have to keep my fingers crossed for the next 10 days now..


Caroline Report 11 Mar 2020 20:35

They will have your words of advice ringing in their ears the whole trip Sylvia :-)


JoyLouise Report 11 Mar 2020 21:09

Sylvia, my bestie and OH flew to Florida and boarded a two-week cruise yesterday. She was in two minds but decided against cancellation.

I think they may have an interesting time to put it mildly but since they're there now they may as well set to and enjoy themselves while being sensible but not worrying. Alas, she is a worrier but her OH isn't.. :-0


Bobtanian Report 11 Mar 2020 21:56

pinchedfrom another site.....

*****BREAKING NEWS! *****

Sadly news has just reached us saying that the first member of this group has sadly died because of the Coronavirus.

In his house they found 500 cans of assorted food, 100kg of pasta, 75kg of rice, 200 toilet rolls and 30L of hand sanitiser which he had panic bought from Aldi “just in case!”

He died after the whole lot collapsed on top of him and buried the daft twat! ??