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Maple Syrup

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SylviaInCanada Report 15 May 2020 21:13

Ah ................... but there are lots of recipes around!!

In fact, there's hundreds, from drizzling over pancakes and icecream (or pouring it in globs like OH does!!).

Maple Syrup Pie is a French-Canadian classic. The online recipe I found for the version from aux anciens candadiens restaurant in Quebec City could just be the best.

That restaurant also added a little bit of maple syrup to their version of tourtiere pie that I ate there, which was very different from any other tourtiere that I've ever had or made..

I wish I could find and buy the sugar served with porridge at breakfast at the Fairmont Chateau Frontenac in Quebec City. It looked the crystal sugar that certain restaurants would serve with tiny cups of coffee back the the '50s and '60s in England (I've not had it anywhere else, and don't know whether it is still found n the UK) ............... but the Chateau's version had a little maple syrup added to it.

It was soooooooooo good ................ and I'm one who doesn't usually add sugar to porridge!!

I did manage to buy a couple of bottles of maple brown sugar from the Artisan Shop in the Fairmont Queen Elizabeth in Montreal as we returned home from that trip .............. but it wasn't the crystal form.

I don't how large is large for Gwyn's tin. We buy maple syrup in 500 or 750 ml bottles, one bottle lasts about 6 weeks.Plus daughter usually pushes a small "gift" bottle into my Christmas socking that she'll have picked up on their travels around Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. They love going to maple syrup farms, artisan shops and such like.

It does keep for ever!


Sharron Report 15 May 2020 20:20

You have hit the nail on the head there,Sylvia. Poor Gwyn certainly doesn't need a lot of maple syrup.The sad bit is that that is just what she has!

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 15 May 2020 19:17

Thank you for that, Sylvia.

I think I know which cream you mean, so will give that a go once I open the tin.


SylviaInCanada Report 15 May 2020 17:10

Gwyn ............ you don't need lots of maple syrup, unless you love the flavou, so start with small-ish amounts.

As regards the maple syrup in whipped cream ............ we don't have get cream already whipped. We buy whipping cream which is heavier than the cream for coffee and can be used as a "pouring" cream. A very small amount of sugar (ca ½-1 tsp) helps it to whip nicely.

I sometimes replace that sugar with maple syrup, it does't even add colour to the cream but just adds a slightly different flavour.

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 15 May 2020 12:22

Thanks Caroline.
Daughter loves salmon, so I might get away with using just a little there.


Caroline Report 14 May 2020 14:15

You can even use it as a glaze on salmon it's lovely :-)

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 13 May 2020 23:32

Thank you everyone for your ideas.
I wouldn't have thought of mixing it with cream for a topping, Sylvia, so that might be good.
My Canadian friend used to make delicious buckwheat pancakes with maple syrup poured over them, so it's good to hear others would use it.

I know my daughter won't want much of the syrup, as she much prefers savoury foods, so I might leave the tin unopened for a while until I can more readily share it with my other daughter and grandson.


SylviaInCanada Report 13 May 2020 20:03

We always have maple syrup in the house .......

main use now for us is over ice cream and fruit.

I used to add ½-1 tsp of maple syrup to cream when I was whipping it for trifle, pavlova, or to serve with any other dessert. The cream whips a little better and has a wonderful flavour.

Maple glazed ham is a popular dish here, as are maple glazed ribs.


PatinCyprus Report 13 May 2020 14:46

pancakes with ice cream and maple syrup.

ice ream and maple syrup

lots of maple syrup recipes on Google find out which one's you might like

 Sue In Yorkshire.

Sue In Yorkshire. Report 13 May 2020 13:07

Cut apples up,put in a dish pour maple syrup over them,
Then sponge topping over cook for about 45 mins in oven and it is lovely.


Maddie Report 13 May 2020 12:48

maple syrup glazed ribs are yummy

flapjacks maple syrup and cream lovely


Sharron Report 13 May 2020 12:28

Play with it ,woman,play with it!

I would sterilize the jars before you decant it and just have a poke and a sniff before you use it.

How about melting it with butter in a pan and adding as much porridge oats as it will take and then baking it like flapjacks to make granola stuff?


maggiewinchester Report 13 May 2020 12:10

Just found this, Gwyn:
According to the Massachusetts Maple Producers Association, unopened maple syrup will keep indefinitely, but it must be refrigerated once opened. ... indicates that 100 percent pure maple syrup should keep for a year unopened in the pantry, a year opened in the refrigerator, and indefinitely in the freezer.

I find it strange that honey in glass jars has a 'use by' date!
I can understand it, if it's in a plastic container - but that's because the plastic will erode, and possibly seep into the honey - not because the honey will go off.

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 13 May 2020 12:04

One of my 'finds' when sorting in the kitchen was a large tin of maple syrup.
This was a gift brought over from Canada by a visiting relative, but once I open it, it must be kept in the 'fridge.
The tin is larger than normal size of baked beans or tinned fruit.... that's quite a lot considering daughter is not overly keen on sweet things!
Presumably I can decant the syrup into a screw top glass jar, but how long will it keep.?

Any tried and tested recipes for using maple syrup?
I can search on Google, but personal recommendations would be good, please.