Royal Naval Division Records 1914-1919

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The Jack Clegg Memorial Database of Royal Naval Division Casualties of The Great War

This dataset is a complete register of the deaths of servicemen from the Royal Navy who served in the Royal Naval Division (RND) in the Great War. As the title suggests, this database is dedicated to the memory of CH/19403 Private John (Jack) Clegg RMLI, 1st Royal Marine Battalion, Royal Naval Division, who was "wounded and missing" at the Battle of the Ancre 13/11/16. The author, Jack Marshall, is the great nephew of Private Clegg.

Definitive Roll of Honour for The Royal Naval Division

Originating from a desire to list the names of all those killed with Private Clegg in the 1st Royal Marine Battalion on the Ancre 13/11/16, this database was compiled in order to "set the record straight" and provide a definitive Roll of Honour for the RND.

The Royal Naval Division

The Royal Naval Division (RND) was a unique formation in WWI, raised by the Admiralty to serve as Infantrymen fighting "shoulder to shoulder" alongside their Army comrades in an emergency.

The Royal Navy and The British Army in the Royal Naval Division records

The following categories of men are listed in the RND database:

  • All Naval servicemen who died in Royal Naval Division service 1914-1919.
  • All Naval servicemen who died after leaving the Royal Naval Division, aboard ship, ashore, or after discharge from Naval service up to 1926, with special dispensation in individual cases up to 1942.