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Catherine O'Reilly born abt 1904

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brigid Report 30 May 2016 05:27

Just wanted to wish you good luck .

I have a similar long research ...never give up on new things coming up new places to search ...

If I remember any other ideas will post

Eye probe prevent me scrolling down long posts and I shouldn't stay too long on computer

Did anyone. Mention electoral rolls

School records newspaper searches nationality requests


KatB Report 27 May 2016 11:37

Thank you, mgnv.


mgnv Report 27 May 2016 02:42

Kathy - re: "If there was some way to put a pic of her on this thread, I would."

You can use "Keepsafe" in the main banner bar to post an image on the site, and then tell folk how to access it.

There's more detail abt this process in:


KatB Report 25 May 2016 01:25

Sylvan Canada, Yes. Roots chat has been very helpful in filling in some of the family trees started by my dad's cousin matches on FamilyTreeDNA. Dad has 29 3rd degree cousins from FTDNA I am slowly working my way through their published trees. Writing back and forth with them, I have been given access to their private trees. They really are all a wonderful bunch. A couple of them have passed on, though. And one sold the business his email is attached to, but otherwise, they are all so helpful. I have assisted several to fill in their trees through Mull Families, Rootschat, Family Search, and Ancestry Worldwide. Actually enjoying this new hobby. Meantime, waiting for Ancestry DNA results. I will take your advice and search trees on this site. Thanks again.


SylviaInCanada Report 25 May 2016 00:41

Have you tried Rootschat?


SylviaInCanada Report 25 May 2016 00:39

Kat ............

Have you searched trees on here to see if any members have her in their tree??

Very few members actually look on these Boards ............ everyone who has replied on here is what we call "helper members" ............ members like yourself who like to help others. But all you will get from us are links to records and sources. Of course, one of those just might be the c;ue that you are looking for!!

If you are looking for members who might actually know something about Catherine, you need to search trees.

Go to Search at the top right

Click on Search All Member Trees

Enter Catherine's name in the box

If there are any trees with a name like that, you will get a listing.

If one or more of those names seems possible, just click on the tree owner's name and send a message.

Please do not simply send the suggested automated "Open Your Tree" ........... most of us ignore such messages.

After sending the message(s), keep an eye on your Sent Messages to see if the contact has opened the pm (private message)

Open Messages, click on Sent Messages

A green envelope to the left of the contact's name means that the message has not been opened

No envelope means that the contact has opened the pm

Be aware that there might be several reasons why you might not get a response ..............

the member has died or become disabled but the tree remains on GR

the member has changed the home email address but not notified GR

the member has lost interest and pays no attention to emails from GR

the member has simply decided that they want no contact


KatB Report 24 May 2016 22:51

Malyon, thank you. I have those and 40 more like them. The Census of New York 1925 and Federal Census of 1930 gave me more than 40 Catherine Reillys of different spellings. Also, the city directories gave me another 40 or 50 in New Jersey and New York.
I am on genes reunited in hopes of finding someone with a Catherine O'Reilly or similar spellings who they know traveled to New Jersey and New York during the 1925-1928 timeframe. Preferably with a father who was James. She may have been from the Irish Free State, Northern Ireland, or even Scotland.
I do appreciate all and any advice and help. K


KatB Report 24 May 2016 22:45

PatinCyprus, thank you. We have his dna uploaded to Gedmatch. I was not sure how to upload to genes reunited or whether it would do any good. Has anyone uploaded gedcom to genes reunited? K


malyon Report 24 May 2016 12:09

Attach to Family Tree

Catherine O'Reiley

United States Census, 1930

Name Catherine O'Reiley
Event Type Census
Event Date 1930
Event Place Newark (Districts 1-250), Essex, New Jersey, United States
Gender Female
Age 26
Marital Status Single
Race White
Race (Original) White
Relationship to Head of Household Sister
Relationship to Head of Household (Original) Sister
Birth Year (Estimated) 1904
Birthplace Ireland
Father's Birthplace Ireland
Mother's Birthplace Ireland
Sheet Letter A
Sheet Number 15






Patrick O'Reiley Head M 42 Ireland
Helen S O'Reiley Daughter F 12 New Jersey
Kathleen M O'Reiley Daughter F 9 New Jersey
Margaret A O'Reiley Daughter F 7 New Jersey
Eugene O'Reiley Brother M 25 Ireland
Catherine O'Reiley Sister F 26 Ireland


malyon Report 24 May 2016 11:58

Catherine Oreilly
New York State Census, 1925





New York, A.D. 07, E.D. 11, New York, New York, United States

Catherine Oreilly

New York State Census, 1925

Name Catherine Oreilly
Event Type Census
Event Date 1925
Event Place New York, A.D. 07, E.D. 11, New York, New York, United States
Gender Female
Age 21
Nationality Ireland
Race White
Relationship to Head of Household Roomer
Birth Year (Estimated) 1904
Years in United States 03
House Number 100
Page 5


PatinCyprus Report 24 May 2016 07:41

I have used after having my DNA analysed elsewhere.

I had been in contact some years ago with someone and we believed we were distant cousins. On paper we had my great grandmother as the sister of his great great grandfather. Unbeknown to me at similar times we were both having our DNA analysed by different companies. I put my DNA on about 2 months before he did. He appeared on my results as my nearest relative.

Going to stops you being restricted to the database where you had the analysis done, it is a free site so nothing to lose.



KatB Report 24 May 2016 05:35

Yes. I have a full subscription to Have spent 5 months collecting info on all Catherine Reillys of the right age from passenger lists, Ellis Island, Family Search, Census of Ireland and Census of New York and federal census. RootsIreland for births. I have pages and pages of people with her name or similar. There are just way too many of them. Some I have ruled out by photos on naturalization papers, signatures that don't match her writing (we have a small sample of her writing...).
Few people on Ancestry on the public family trees have a Catherine Reilly of about her age. Those that are there don't match. The rootsireland lists only have the Catherines' mother's maiden names. No mother's first names or father's first names.
Dad did DNA with family tree. 1600 matches! Some will be his bio dad's people (mostly Scots) A lot will be the Irish. Not seeing any common ancestor in their family trees so far.
I got on this site to cast the net further looking for family trees with Catherine/James Reilly that are not already on
Should upload gedcom, but not sure how that will help on this site....
I really appreciate your reply, and advice. Wish me luck......


SylviaInCanada Report 24 May 2016 04:21

Have you investigated the Ellis Island site??

It is a free site, but you do have to register in order to see the records


KatB Report 24 May 2016 02:23

Catherine O'Reilly (or other spelling) was 21 years old in August of 1926. She said her father was Seamus (or James). She was in New Jersey, USA in 1925 - 1928, maybe longer. She said she arrived from Ireland (maybe COBH) when she was 19.

If there was some way to put a pic of her on this thread, I would. I have two small sepia photographs. Thank you, Kathy