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Seek info on Charles Swindon, Wylam St, Gateshead

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Mark Report 7 Aug 2015 20:44

My mum and uncle lived on Wylam Street in Gateshead, they attended St Josephs school and were both evacuated to Leyburn. Mum went to West Witton with her older brother Charles.

I know Charles died when he was young, so I have done some research and found he was born in 1930 but could find no death entry for him, so on a hunch I searched for his name in West Witton, I spotted an entry for a Charles Swindon, birth year 1931 age at death 12.

I have hit a wall now as I am sure this is him, but I cant find any other information like, where he was buried etc.

I am very new to all of this and would appreciate some direction on how to find out where he was buried. My mum have very limited memories of this time unfortunately so I need all the help I can get.

If you need any further information, please let me know and I will tell you what I can.

Thank you very much for reading.



alviegal Report 7 Aug 2015 20:59

Is West Witton in Yorkshire? I have found this death but not in Yorkshire.

First name(s) CHARLES
Last name SWINDON
Gender Male
Birth day -
Birth month -
Birth year 1931
Age 12
Death quarter 1
Death year 1943
County Northumberland
Volume 10B
Page 367

Possibly the same death. I would imagine the year of death would be 1943 not 1942.

Name: Carolus Swindon
Gender: Male
Age: 12
Birth Date: 1930
Death Date: 27 Jan 1942
Death Place: Gateshead On Tyne, England
Burial Date: 1 Feb 1943
Burial Place: Gateshead
FHL Film Number: 2046477
Reference ID: Item 2 #6


Mark Report 7 Aug 2015 21:09

yes thats the one, what would I need to find out where he was burried? West witton could have been a mistake on my part.

Thanks for your help so far :)



JoonieCloonie Report 7 Aug 2015 21:19

what you need first of all is the death certificate to try to determine whether this death was your Charles

the info from the birth record above is what you need for ordering the certificate from
[EDIT - I meant 'death record' of course, since I was only suggesting orderng the death certficate ... not going mad with certificates ... and from Mark's post 28 August it seems to have been worthwhile]

I am not familiar with death certs that recent but hopefully it would name his parents, or enough info (address, name of informant, circumstances of death) that you could tell whether this was your boy

if this is your Charles' birth

Births Sep 1930
Swindon Charles McNeil Gateshead 10a 1578

he would have been 12 yrs old (not yet 13) at the time of the death in early 1943 so the year of death 'inferred' from his age would be 1931 as stated there

(I'm a little confused, geographically and otherwise ... you say they were evacuated to Leyburn and went to West Witton ... okay I have googled, West Witton is a village near Leyburn in North Yorkshire so that is where they were taken in after being evacuated ... but he died in the Northumberland Central district?)


Mark Report 7 Aug 2015 21:28

Yes, as I say the information is quite sketchy, it may be that they came back early, or even that he stayed at home. Sorry about this but I have very little to go on and some is assumption. This confused me as well, but its more than likely to be a mistake on my behalf.
Thank you for your help so far.



Mark Report 7 Aug 2015 21:55

OK I have just purchased a certificate, I guess all I can do now is wait.


Eringobragh1916 Report 8 Aug 2015 00:47


Charles Swindon (Snr) married Jane McNeil Gateshead Reg.June Quarter 1929.

It looks like Jane died in 1934...Reg June Quarter Gateshead.....

You can check all the Swindon BMDs out on

The Swindon Family seem to have been in the area for some years....

Charles (snr's) parents were Charles Swindon and Margaret Mooney.

If Charles and family attended St Josephs Gateshead then you will should be able to check out Jane McNeill Swindons Burial from the Burial Reg.this is Charles' jnrs

England Deaths and Burials

Name Carolus Swindon
Residence Place Gateshead
Gender Male
Burial Date 01 Feb 1943 ***
Burial Place Gateshead
Death Date 27 Jan 1942 ****
Death Place Gateshead On Tyne, England
Age 12
Birth Date 1930

For clarification of both dates then you would need to check St Joseph's Burial Register


Mark Report 8 Aug 2015 09:43

Mum was born in 32 and she says her mum (Jane) died when she was very young, so this seems to fit. Mum thinks she may have died through complications of child birth.
I am very new to all of this and no doubt will make mistakes, so all of your help and advice is very welcome. I may be using the Certificate ordering service quite a bit in the future :P.



Eringobragh1916 Report 8 Aug 2015 10:35

Mark...I suggest you don't go mad buying Certs.they will cost you an arm and a leg !
There is plenty folk on the site who will be only to willing to help you...and the vast majority of the Records for the Swindons /Mooney's /McNeills are available to see on the appears they all stayed in the Gateshead area or at least in the earlier years.....

Forgot to add Charles Swindon was the 2nd Charles born to Charles Swindon and Margaret Mooney...the first Charles was born 2nd May 1898 and Baptised 28th May he possibly has died because in November 1906 they had another Charles...possible the husband of Jane McNeill...


Eringobragh1916 Report 8 Aug 2015 10:47

Death of Charles Registered June Quarter 1898 Gateshead..

Swindon Charles 0 Gateshead 10a 543


Eringobragh1916 Report 8 Aug 2015 10:49

This was his Baptism...(St Joseph's Gateshead)...I posted it prior to the Death but don't know why it hasn't shown up....

Carolus Swindon

England Births and Christenings

Name Carolus Swindon
Gender Male
Christening Date 29 May 1898
Christening Place St. Joseph's, Gateshead, Durham, England
Birth Date 02 May 1898
Father's Name Caroli Swindon
Mother's Name Margaritæ Mooney Swindon


Mark Report 8 Aug 2015 19:16

Thank you for the information, this has given me more to add to my tree, I promise I wont go crazy over certificates, but the death certificates may include a cause of death, I am unsure where else I could find that information. I am going to do a search on the above and add it to my tree.

I am very grateful to you all for the help. This only started out with me being curious about my uncle Charles, but it is becoming an addiction.

One other question, are there record of evacuees and where they were sent?



Eringobragh1916 Report 8 Aug 2015 21:18

Mark ...There may well be records but they would be held in either Durham or Newcastle would possibly depend on the how it was organised and by whom...the St.Josephs School records may give a clue ..

Check out the following website....(Details supplied by Gateshead Council)

St Josephs RC 600girls and infants...Leyburn


Mark Report 8 Aug 2015 23:09

Thanks for the link,
I do have that pamphlet and it makes very interesting reading, it is dficult to imagine how it must have been then, which is why this is so important to me I guess.

I have sent an email to the Current priest at St Josephs, if I haven't heard anything by the end of the week I will try phoning.



Mark Report 28 Aug 2015 11:17

Hello everyone
I have just gotten the death Certificate from Charles but I am having difficulty deciphering the hand writing can anyone help please?


I thought it said Congenital Hypothyroidism but it doesn't seem correct.

I think I have it, hydrocephalus?

I am now 99% certain that this is the wee guy I am looking for. I have another certificate on its way for him mum (my grandmother)


Gritty Report 28 Aug 2015 13:21

Think you're right- looks like Congenital hydrocephalus