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A little moment.. edit* was for general chat

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Sylvia Report 28 Apr 2015 15:47

Lavender how sad for both your families. I hope you find comfort in each other and maybe you will stay in touch.


lavender Report 28 Apr 2015 15:12

Thank you both for your kind words. Yes, I am expecting a call in the next day or two. Otherwise, I shall find the surname and number. x


PricklyHolly Report 28 Apr 2015 11:26

Very touching indeed Lavender.

<3 <3 <3


Autumnleaves Report 27 Apr 2015 22:55


Thank you for sharing this touching story with us.

No doubt the lady felt much the same as you did at the time of the deaths, but needed to let you know she appreciated your letter, however long it took to do so.

Hope those tears you both shed helped to comfort and ease the pain of grief you had shared.

It will be lovely if she gets in touch again, if not I have no doubt you will understand it may be too much for her..although it does sound promising.

God Bless both of you and your families.



lavender Report 27 Apr 2015 18:45

I had a little moment today.

About 17 years ago, I wrote a letter to a family in our village who had lost a precious twin baby at birth. I didn't know them personally, but felt compelled to write after the child was buried alongside ours in our village churchyard.

I had a reply back, but was so unwell coping with the aftermath of my own loss, that I was unable to make further contact at the time and we never met. Some years later I heard that the family had moved, I assumed wrongly that it was far away. I have often wondered about them and how their lives might be.

Just as I was pulling out of the drive this afternoon, a car pulled up and our paths crossed. My husband spoke to the lady. Imagine my shock at discovering that after such a long period of time had lapsed, the mother of the child, on finding my old letter, had sought us out. Apparently, she wept in her car, tears streaming down her face. I did the same on hearing about her visit.

She has our telephone number and is going to call. If I knew her number I would have telephoned by now.

Such a touching gesture :-) <3